Other Services

In addition to family law legal services, our office offers other legal services such as:

Unpaid accounts and/or breach of commercial agreements cases are a very common occurrence in the courts in Cyprus. Before we commence any such case we conduct due diligence on behalf of our clients in order to have a clear picture of who they are suing and their ability to pay any judgment against them. We then advice our clients accordingly.

Naturalization of Certain Foreign Employees Through a 4 – 5 Year Residency in Cyprus


In recent years, many foreign non-EU tech companies have been encouraged to move part of their operations to the island with the promise that they will be able to get the Cyprus Nationality soon. Their employees who decided to move here are now starting to rip the benefits. Previously, there was no special provision for obtaining the Cyprus citizenship by highly specialised employees. Instead, the normal citizenship requirements applied as other residents (8 years residency in the republic).

Relaxation of requirements for specialised employees to obtain the Cyprus Nationality

In 19.12.2023 some important legislative changes have entered effect regarding the naturalization requirements for special workforce in Cyprus and their families. In particular, ‘highly specialised’ and/or talented employees of certain companies with 4 or 5 years of service in Cyprus within the last 11 years are now eligible to apply to obtain the Cyprus citizenship. The companies will be specified by the cabinet of ministers in the context of existing and future governmental policies for attracting companies and talented human resources. Many employees of high technology, shipping, pharmaceuticals, innovation and research and development companies are expected to benefit.

Main Provisions

If you want to obtain the Cyprus nationality you will need to be of good character (defined in the new provisions) and have some level of proficiency in the Greek language. Your level of proficiency will determine the point in time during your residency that you become eligible to apply for your Naturalization. If your Greek proficiency level is B1, then you become eligible to apply for the Cyprus nationality after 4 years of residency. If on the other hand, your proficiency is A2, a residency of 5 years is required to gain eligibility. Proficiency is determined by written examination. Residency is determined as follows:

  • During the last 12 months prior to the application, you must not be absent from the Republic, for a total of more than 90 days,
  • During the preceding 10-year period before the commencement of the final 12-month period, you must have completed 3 or 4 years (depending on your proficiency in Greek) of residency in Cyprus. You are only allowed a maximum of 90 days of absence per year from the Republic of Cyprus during those 3 or 4 years. For example, if you have 91 days of absence in any one year, then you should stay one more day in Cyprus and then start counting your last 12 months.

Benefits of obtaining the Cyprus Nationality

Cyprus is an EU member State and all Cypriot citizens enjoy hassle free travel, free University education and many more benefits within the EU and elsewhere.

Naturalization of employees’ families

The residency and language requirements, also apply to the employees’ families. For children who, on the date of application, are under 18 years old, there is no Greek language requirement. Also, the periods of their residency need not coincide with those of their parents.

Examination time is 8 months upon payment of a fee to be announced later.

Contact us now if you believe you are eligible and require our services for the application.

When a person is ordered by the court to do or not do a specified action and he or she wilfully disobeys the order, he or she is danger of facing disobedience of court order charges. The procedure, although criminal in nature, is handled by the court that issued the said order. If found guilty, the respondent/accused, can be imprisoned in order to conform to the order as opposed to be punished which is the purpose of regular criminal proceedings. It follows, that if a person found guilty of disobedience, conforms while serving a prison sentence, the court may order his or her release.

Family courts are not the only jurisdiction of dispute between ex-spouses. Sometimes a legal battle between ex – spouses may be fought in more than one court jurisdiction. In domestic violence cases for example, we help victims apply to the District Court (criminal jurisdiction) seeking a court order ordering the offender to move out of the family home with immediate effect.

When a person attacks another, resulting or threatening violence in addition to report to the police, the victim may file an action in the civil courts for assault (tort). If there is reason to believe that a further attack is imminent, an interim application may be filed seeking an order from the court to order the attacker to keep a certain specified distance away from the claimant/applicant until final judgement. Such order may be claimed against anyone including a relative.

In cases where a family member is mentally unstable to a degree that he is a danger to his family, a member of his family, may apply to the criminal court for a compulsory psychiatric examination order. This is done by completing a form in the District court by the applicant.

Our experience in criminal law combined with our sensitivity in family matters makes us ideal in representing clients in criminal proceedings both as defense counsels or representing and advising families in criminal offenses committed against or between them for example sexual offences. Anyone, may at some point in his life find himself accused of a criminal act and its consequences. Economic distress, a moment of weakness, use of alcohol or substances may lead to a criminal offence. We have the knowledge to handle the full spectrum of criminal cases such as bounced cheques, forgery, road accident criminal liability, sexual offences, illegal entry, assaults and use and supply of illegal substances. We approach each case with respect towards the client and sincerity. Our goal is always to achieve the perfect defense. With a careful study of the case file and a thorough client interview, we approach all cases with attention even towards the smallest detail always with the line of defense in mind.

We handle personal injury and property damages due to traffic, work and other accidents. We meticulously study each case and in close co-operation with the client we make sure that he or she receives the fair and just amount of monetary damages he deserves by law.

In situations where our clients’ name and credibility is damaged from false statements, publications and reports, we prepare and take to court defamation and/or slander actions against the person or organisation who has made or published the false statement and make sure our clients are fairly compensated. We also defend people who face significant claims from such statements or publications they have made or allowed to be made by their employees.

We regularly advice and assist our clients in registering companies and trademarks as well as any other process in and out of court regarding companies and trademarks.

It is advisable in any transaction of land to involve a lawyer in order to avoid any problems that require long and difficult court procedures and unnecessary costs. We assist our clients whether they are buying, selling, leasing or renting out their property.
We also represent our clients in any court action regarding breach of any contract or license concerning land and cases between banks and enclaved buyers where the decision of the director of the Land Registry is appealed by a bank for example. Our work, as with every aspect of our work, is characterized by careful study, drive for success and transparency

For criminal offences punishable with imprisonment of under 5 years, the Law of Cyprus allows private legal entities to file their own criminal cases against the perpetrator. In the case of a guilty verdict, the offender is liable to receive any sentence he or she would receive in the event the case was handled by the public prosecution office of the Republic including imprisonment.

The above information is not intended to be used as a legal opinion and are merely examples to aid the reader in better understanding their legal position. Please feel free to contact us today if you require legal advice for your specific situation.